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As of 7/25/23 All New Blog Posts Moved here
This blog is about local CTV | OTT advertising. It is about successful marketing. Please enjoy, contribute and share.
As of 7/25/23 All New Blog Posts Moved here
Robert Eckelman
Jun 17, 20221 min read
With names like the Terminator and the Eraser who know Arnold could be so positive
Good video for motivation

Robert Eckelman
Apr 29, 20221 min read
Would Nostradamus have predicted the incredible growth of CTV?
I don't think so, but I have been in the business for the last 36 years and did not think I would see the day when Newspapers would be...

Robert Eckelman
Apr 27, 20221 min read
Can' wait for the next: Fireside chat, interaction with a virtual assistant, or next robocall- Not.
I recently place an order for some company merchandise. I was placing the order with the company that I have used several times with...

Robert Eckelman
Apr 27, 20221 min read
Here is what Netflix subscribers said they would do if offered a cheepe Ad- Supported Tier in 2019
Now that Netflix is actually considering an Ad-Supported tier, (my bet is that it will happen), I wonder what will happen. Back in 2019...

Robert Eckelman
Apr 20, 20221 min read
In Due Time- Netflix is now open to Ad-Supported option.
Reed Hastings the long-standing CEO of Netflix has always said No Advertising. Well, it looks like always said may change. Hastings is...

Robert Eckelman
Mar 22, 20221 min read
From To-Do to To-Done. 2 letters different but a world apart.
To-Do List- A list of things you need to do. Typically a call list (calls you need to make but often don't get done. In business this may...

Robert Eckelman
Mar 21, 20221 min read
Wonder why Hulu, HBO Max, Peacock, Paramount +, Discovery +, & Disney+ offer Ad-Supported CTV
It is what viewers want. 49% choose Ad-Supported options over ad-free. Only 22% go for the higher-priced ad-free versions. It is all...

Robert Eckelman
Feb 28, 20220 min read

Robert Eckelman
Feb 23, 20221 min read
In Business Trust and Honesty are king.
In Business Trust and Honesty are keys to building strong lasting relationships and referrals. They take years to build and can be...

Robert Eckelman
Feb 3, 20221 min read
An Attitude of gratitude can take some work but pays big dividends
Morning routine that sets the tone for the day. Up early Quiet and deep breathing (Wim Hof Breathing, or Box Breathing) Mentally...

Robert Eckelman
Jan 3, 20221 min read
What you say about others says a lot about you
Here is a little addition to one of the golden rules we all should have learned when we were in elementary school. “If you have nothing...

Robert Eckelman
Dec 17, 20211 min read
49% of US High-Speed HH have 4+ OTT Subscription services
According to Parks Associates survey as of Q3 2021. This is a 3% increase from Q1 2021. #CTV #Streaming #OTT it just keeps getting better...

Robert Eckelman
Dec 16, 20211 min read
Comparing CPM's on Broadcast, Cable, and CTV is like comparing apples to refrigerators.
They are all good when used correctly and or in combination. They are also very different. Ad impressions are not all equal, they deliver...
Robert Eckelman
Dec 13, 20211 min read
Pelotons response to the death of Mr. Big -swift and brilliant
Just a few days ago it was announced a key character in a well-known TV series died after a hard Peloton workout. Within about 48 hours...
Robert Eckelman
Dec 9, 20211 min read
Winning for all the right reasons. Tom Brady' winning attitude can be transformed to your business.
I think the key is understanding winning is not an individual goal. Think of how your efforts impact those around you. If your commitment...
Robert Eckelman
Dec 2, 20211 min read
success happens when you have the right strategy, commitment, courage, vision, motivation…
One of my favorite stories is David & Goliath, I have never thought of this as a religious story, but It is a story I play out in my...

Robert Eckelman
Dec 1, 20211 min read
75% of viewers discovered their favorite shows on an online source (CTV | OTT)
Only 20% of viewers found their favorite program on a pay-TV (Cable) #CTV #Streaming #OTT always getting better
Robert Eckelman
Nov 11, 20211 min read
Learning from the leaders. 8 thoughts to brighten your day
1, Happiness never decreased by being shared 2, Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced-...

Robert Eckelman
Nov 11, 20210 min read
Robert Eckelman
Nov 11, 20211 min read
I have been inspired by a friend, now I share Words of wisdom whenever I see them. Hope you enjoy
1, Happiness never decreased by being shared 2, Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced-...
CTV = Connected TV | OTT = Over The Top TV
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