My heart goes out to all affected by Covid. Most of us will recover, as a country, we will learn and be better prepared.
"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it." Winston Churchill.
That said I would rather look to the future than dwell in the past. I've invested time and effort in 2020 to share knowledge on CTV.
Of all the many we may want to forget about 2020, there are also things to remember.
If you are a marketer or an advertiser 2020 marked a tremendous shift in media consumption. I believe that eventually all media will be streamed, furthermore, think CTV will be the largest benefactor. 2020 was a giant leap forward. Sometimes I find an article that aligns with many of my posts. These articles are written better, get to the point quicker, and paint a full picture. Here is a very solid article on CTV in 2020. I am looking forward to 2021.
Full article from Ad Exchanger here https://bit.ly/37XlPKV
highlights from the article can be found here