TV viewing increased in early march 2020 but is drifting back to traditional levels-Comscore

Unlike traditional TV viewership, CTV | OTT is holding onto viewerships gains made since March 2020- Comscore
Is your advertising working as good as it should? Are you doing things like you did last year, 2,3…years ago. Things have changed dramatically over the last decade and at lightspeed since the beginning of 2020. CTV | OTT has been in hyper-growth during the COVID pandemic and unlike the broadcast and cable spike shows no signs of slowing down. CTV | OTT is a fantastic opportunity legal advertisers f your law firm has not discussed
Advertising to everyone, everywhere, is not a winning strategy. Advertising to the most qualified prospects, near your business, turn possible prospects and cases into probable clients and increases your advertising ROI. With CTV | OTT it is easy to identify and target your best audience.
TV, Cable, and Radio audiences have been measured in 1/4 hour increments for over 60 years. Ratings are not reflective of the audience viewing| listening, they are a representation of the 15 minutes where your commercial aired. When commercials hit viewers and listeners channel surf. They are not intentionally tuning your commercial out, it is an impulse coming from their brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS), it is the gatekeeper of stimulus overload. This is absolutely true please google it.
Fortunately, CTV | OTT it insulated from the (RAS); commercials are non-skippable. So when the impulse to change the channel kicks in, it is blocked by non-skippable commercials. The averages CTV | OTT commercial has 95%+ viewing completion rate.
Think about it, reach the best audience identified by you, during their favorite program identified by them, with a message that is not avoidable. By the way, because the audience is identified, and the messages are more relevant CTV | OTT provides a better experience for the audience and advertisers.
If you would like to find out more, we would like to have a conversation.
LAWonCTV.com, it is all in the name. Legal Advertising Works On CTV | OTT