How did David beat Goliath? He watched, learned, and devised a strategy to win.
Legal advertising is a Giant category, regardless of the size of your law firm, you will likely not outspend the competition.
Do not compete at close range, separate from the competition. Too many law firms advertise in the same programs, in the same dayparts, often running back to back. CTV| OTT commercial breaks are often shorter than cable and broadcast, it is a much less congested environment. On CTV | OTT rarely do law firms run in the same advertising pod.
Devise a plan to focus on your target. David knew Goliath had poor vision and mobility. His size was not an advantage. Advertising to everyone everywhere often leads to low impact and low recall. Many law firms have an area of specialization. There are characteristics that can best define their most likely clients. LAW on CTV will build a custom profile to match: age, income, occupation, geo, etc. Advertising to the right audience, in the right programs, at the perfect time will improve your advertising ROI.
Once you have zeroed in on your best target audience deliver your message with frequency. David had five stones in his bag. CTV | OTT commercials are non-skippable.
Become ubiquitous. Goliath had double vision, everywhere he looked he saw two Davids. On CTV | OTT after a target group sees a commercial, that same commercial or a sequenced message is sent to prospects phones, computers, and tablets. When a targeted individual says "I see this advertisement everywhere" it’s true.
Adding CTV | OTT is great first step. Having a winning strategy is even better. If you would like to learn more, we would like to talk.
LAWonCTV.com, it is all in the name. Legal Advertising Works On CTV | OTT